
Product Liability Claims: Understanding Different Types

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Product liability is a legal concept that holds manufacturers, distributors, and sellers responsible for any product defects that cause harm to consumers. Injuries resulting from defective products can be severe, and the legal claims arising from such injuries can be complex. This article provides an overview of the different types of product liability claims and the legal principles that underpin them.

Strict Liability Claims

One of the most common types of product liability claims is strict liability. Strict liability claims are based on the principle that a manufacturer, distributor, or seller is responsible for any harm caused by a product defect, regardless of whether they were negligent in manufacturing, distributing, or selling the product. This means the injured party does not need to prove that the manufacturer, distributor, or seller was negligent. Instead, they only need to show that the product was defective and caused their injuries.

Negligence Claims

Negligence claims arise when a manufacturer, distributor, or seller fails to exercise reasonable care in a product’s design, manufacturing, or distribution. To prove negligence, the injured party must demonstrate that the manufacturer, distributor, or seller breached their duty of care and that this breach caused their injuries. Negligence claims require the injured party to prove that the manufacturer, distributor, or seller was negligent in some way.

Breach of Warranty Claims

Breach of warranty claims arises when a manufacturer, distributor, or seller breaches an express or implied warranty. An express warranty is a promise made by the manufacturer, distributor, or seller about the quality or performance of the product. An implied warranty guarantees that the product is fit for its intended use. If a product fails to meet these warranties, the injured party may be able to file a breach of warranty claim.

Design Defect Claims

Design defect claims arise when a product is inherently dangerous due to a flaw in its design. Unlike other product liability claims, design defect claims focus on the product’s design rather than manufacturing or marketing. To prove a design defect claim, the injured party must demonstrate that the product’s design was unreasonably dangerous and that a safer alternative design was available.

Manufacturing Defect Claims

Manufacturing defect claims arise when a product is defective due to an error in its manufacturing process. These defects can occur during manufacturing, transportation, or product storage. To prove a manufacturing defect claim, the injured party must demonstrate that the defect was caused by an error in the manufacturing process and caused their injuries.


Product liability claims can be complex and challenging to prove. The different types of product liability claims have different legal requirements and standards of proof. Strict liability claims are the most straightforward, as they do not require the injured party to prove negligence. Negligence claims require the injured party to prove that the manufacturer, distributor, or seller was negligent in some way. Breach of warranty claims arises when a manufacturer, distributor, or seller breaches an express or implied warranty. Design defect claims focus on the product’s design, while manufacturing defect claims focus on manufacturing process errors.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a defective product, it’s important to seek legal guidance from a product liability lawyer in Boston. At Frank Fernandez Boston Personal Injury Firm, we have the experience and expertise to help you navigate the complex legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at +1 (617) 393-0250 to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you.

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