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Lista de efectos secundarios de medicamentos recetados

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Defective Products

Lista de efectos secundarios de medicamentos recetados

Los medicamentos recetados son una gran industria en los Estados Unidos, incluso en el estado de Massachusetts. Lo más probable es que te afecten a ti o a tus seres queridos. Con una industria tan gigante viene una gran responsabilidad de los fabricantes de medicamentos. Estos fabricantes hacen medicamentos recetados para una variedad de condiciones de salud y cada uno tiene ciertos efectos secundarios. Si un medicamento defectuoso provocó efectos secundarios adversos, tiene derecho a recuperar los daños y perjuicios por el dolor y el sufrimiento y los gastos médicos en los que haya incurrido como resultado.

La oficina legal de Frank Fernández ha trabajado con pacientes que han sufrido / están sufriendo los efectos secundarios provocados por las siguientes drogas comunes:


Se ha informado que este medicamento para el acné conduce a la colitis ulcerosa, una enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal.


Se ha informado que este medicamento para el acné conduce a la colitis ulcerosa, una enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal.


The Drug Celexa and Birth Defects</p> <p>Celexa (citalopram) is a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) and is used as an antidepressant medication. Unfortunately, there have been many reports of adverse side effects such as birth defects. Babies born by mothers on Celexa during pregnancy have developed persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), atrial septal defects, and ventricular septal defects.</p> <p>PPHN is a condition which causes a baby’s circulatory system to malfunction and prevents the body from receiving the proper amount of oxygen it needs. This causes organs to not work properly.</p> <p>Atrial septal defects, otherwise known as holes in the heart, also negatively affect the heart and circulatory system of newborns. A common result of the condition is perforated septum which separates the heart’s two chambers. This causes blood to ripple back and forth between the chambers.</p> <p>Ventricular septal defects are similar to atrial septal defects except they can also lead to a bacterial infection called endocarditis.</p> <p>Other conditions caused by Celexa include:</p> <p>Anal atresia (imperforate anus)<br /> Atrial enlargement<br /> Cleft lip<br /> Pie deforme<br /> Coartación de la aorta<br /> Congenital heart defect (CHD)<br /> Cranial birth defects<br /> Craneosinostosis<br /> Ebstein’s anomaly<br /> Epispadias<br /> Gastrointestinal malformations (GI tract)<br /> Gastrosquisis<br /> Heart malformations<br /> Hypoplastic right/left heart syndrome<br /> Hypospadias<br /> Limb reduction defects<br /> Neural tube defect<br /> Omphalocele (abdominal malformations)<br /> Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)<br /> Pierre Robin sequence<br /> Estenosis pulmonar<br /> Tetrology of fallot<br /> Transposition of great arteries (TGA)<br /> Truncus arteriosus<br /> Undescended testes</p> <p>These conditions have been so commonly reported for birth defects, that the FDA had to take action and classify Celexa as a Pregnancy C drug. This means that women who take the drug during pregnancy are at a higher risk for giving birth to a newborn with birth defects.</p> <p>If you or a loved one has taken Celexa while pregnant and has given birth to a newborn with birth defects, you may have the right to seek compensation for damages, pain and suffering and any incurred medical costs. It’s important to understand that Forest Laboratories, the maker of Celexa, must be held reliable for its drug causing any of the aforementioned side effects in a baby. You have legal rights in the state of Massachusetts and the Law Office of Frank Fernandez can help you determine if you have a case against the manufacturer.


Destinado a tratar la depresión, el trastorno de ansiedad generalizada (TAG), el trastorno de pánico y el trastorno de ansiedad social, el medicamento ha afectado a los bebés en el útero, desarrollando defectos congénitos de nacimiento y defectos cardíacos de salida izquierda.


Fabricado para tratar infecciones bacterianas, se han reportado casos de daño tendinoso, tendinitis y ruptura tendinosa.


<strong>The Drug Lexapro and Birth Defects</strong></p> <p>Lexapro (escitalopram), manufactured by Forest Laboratories, is an antidepressant classified as a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI). It’s a popular drug used to treat adults for anxiety syndromes and depression.</p> <p><strong>When women take the drug while pregnant, they run the risk of giving birth to a child with birth defects. These may include congenital birth defects such as:</strong></p> <p><strong>Atrial septal defects</strong></p> <p>This is a condition known as hole in the heart which allows oxygen-rich blood to leak into the blood chambers in the heart. ASD is a defect in the septum, which separates the heart’s left and right sides.</p> <p><strong>Congenital heart defects</strong></p> <p>This is a general term for any condition that results from the heart or blood vessels near the heart not developing normally before birth.</p> <p><strong>Craneosinostosis</strong></p> <p>Craniosynostosis, or synostosis, is the early fusion of two or more bones of the skull. A newborn’s skull is made up of many different bones that are not fused together at birth, which is important to allow the brain to grow.</p> <p><strong>Hernia umbilical</strong></p> <p>This condition is a birth defect of the abdominal wall. A newborn’s intestines, liver or other organs stick outside of the belly through the belly button instead of going back into the stomach.</p> <p><strong>Hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido (PPHN)</strong></p> <p>PPHN is described as the failure of normal circulatory transition after a child’s birth. It is a syndrome characterized by marked pulmonary hypertension and it causes hypoxemia and right-to-left intracardiac shunting of blood.</p> <p><strong>Ventricular septal defects</strong></p> <p>This is one of the most common congenital heart defects, described as a hole in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart—similar to atrial.</p> <p>Even more dangerous is the risk for women who breastfed their newborns while pregnant. Lexapro can pass through breast milk to the baby and result in additional birth defects and health concerns. Plus, it has been reported that newborns who were exposed to Lexapro in the womb have suffered from withdrawal symptons. This is due to halted exposure to the antidepressant drug.</p> <p>When a newborn is affected by any of these conditions due to the mother taking Lexapro during pregnancy in the state of Massachusetts, the manufacturer may be held responsible and required to pay for any damages and medical costs incurred as a result.</p> <p>Have you or a loved one given birth to an effected newborn after taking Lexapro? Contact the Law Office of Frank Fernandez in Boston. Fernandez has years of experience in helping families recover funds that are rightfully theirs because of these birth defects. He can help you understand your rights and the potential compensation you may be entitled to.


Según los informes, el dispositivo anticonceptivo intrauterino ha perforado la pared uterina en mujeres.


Este dispositivo anticonceptivo se ha relacionado con efectos secundarios como coágulos sanguíneos, especialmente en los pulmones, una afección llamada embolia pulmonar.



Diseñado para ayudar a prevenir derrames cerebrales y coágulos sanguíneos en pacientes con fibrilación auricular, este medicamento se ha relacionado con un sangrado excesivo e incontrolable.


Este es otro medicamento antidepresivo ISRS con efectos secundarios adversos. Se ha informado que las mujeres que llevan a un niño mientras toman el medicamento dan a luz a un bebé que desarrolla defectos de nacimiento congénitos, como hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido (HPPRN).


La producción de tejido mamario se ha relacionado con este medicamento antipsicótico, especialmente en los hombres.


Los geles de testosterona se han relacionado con accidentes cerebrovasculares, ataques cardíacos y otros problemas cardiovasculares, incluso la muerte. Se sabe que estos geles afectan especialmente a las personas que tienen un historial cardíaco deficiente.

Malla transvaginal

El implante de malla transvaginal es un procedimiento común para las mujeres y se ha asociado con la erosión de la malla transvaginal y el daño a los órganos del dispositivo que se erosiona dentro del cuerpo.


Este antidepresivo SNRI, cuando lo toma una mujer embarazada, puede causar que el bebé nazca con defectos congénitos graves, incluido un defecto cardíaco de salida izquierda.


La embolia pulmonar, una afección en la que se forma un coágulo de sangre en una vena, se ha relacionado con este medicamento destinado a prevenir la ovulación en las mujeres.


This drug is used to treat depression, anxiety and other disorders. However, when a baby is exposed to the drug in the womb, it can cause heart defects, ventricular septal defects and atrial septal defects.

¿Usted o un ser querido se ha visto afectado por alguna de estas drogas o por alguna otra droga que no esté en esta lista y que cree que produjo efectos secundarios adversos? La oficina legal de Frank Fernández en Boston tiene experiencia en el manejo de casos relacionados con los efectos secundarios de las drogas. Comuníquese con Frank Fernández para conocer su posible elegibilidad para recibir compensación para cubrir los daños sufridos.



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